Want to become a VFC-enrolled birthing hospital?
1. See the VFC Program Enrollment process to get started.
2. Contact the VFC Program Call Center (877) 243-8832 or VFCEnrollment@cdph.ca.gov for any questions.
3. See these FAQs for additional information.
Not sure if VFC is right for you?
View one of the Win-Win webinars listed below to get answers to many of the top questions for hospitals considering enrollment.
Resources for hospitals enrolling in VFC
- FAQs for Birthing Hospitals
- Birthing Institutions and the Vaccines for Children Program (AIM)
- VFC Program Benefits for Hospitals (CDC)
- VFC Recruitment Letter from Dr. Robert Schechter, Immunization Branch
- Hospital Enrollment Checklist - allows your facility to gather information needed to complete your VFC application expeditiously
- Eligibility Screening Form
- VFC Administration/Inventory Log – HepB/nirsevimab only
- Digital VFC Temperature Log (for hospital-use only)
- Win-Win: Why Birthing Hospitals Choose VFC
Resources for updating your EHR/EMR for VFC
- Example EHR Solutions from VFC-enrolled Hospitals
- For hospitals using EPIC:
- Reference Faciliate Ordering and Administering VFC Medications in the Inpatient Setting on Galaxy for specific build recommendations.
- Reach out to your organization’s EpicCare Ambulatory and Willow Inpatient application TS for further assistance.
- For hospitals using Oracle/Cerner:
- Guides to use when designing your VFC eligbility screening/documentation process in your EHR
- Contacts
- Kristin.Glaza@oracle.com (Kristin Glaza)
- Christine.Bangert@oracle.com (Christine Bangert)
Immunization-friendly Birthing Hospital Honor Roll
CDPH is honoring California birthing and neonatal hospitals enrolled in VFC and administering nirsevimab doses to VFC-eligible children. See the list of hospitals in our honor roll.
VFC Program Benefits for Birthing Hospitals
We strongly encourage birthing hospitals, acute care hospitals, and others providing care to neonatal patients to join the VFC Program to ensure newborns are immunized against RSV and Hepatitis B; enrolled birthing hospitals will only be required to administer RSV and Hep B immunizations. By enrolling, birthing hospitals will benefit by:
- Receiving RSV (nirsevimab) and Hepatitis B immunizations at no cost,
- Protecting your infant patients with recommended vaccines before they leave the hospital,
- Getting ongoing educational and quality assurance support, and
- Preventing RSV and Hep B among vulnerable communities in California.
Did you know?
- Birthing institutions can participate in the VFC Program, regardless of whether they accept Medi-Cal!
- Birthing institutions are not required to carry all ACIP-recommended vaccines to participate in VFC. You may choose to only order RSV and Hepatitis B immunizations for newborns.
- VFC and commercial vaccines can be stored in the same storage unit.