This page contains immunization resources for Ukrainian arrivals through the Uniting for Ukraine program, their healthcare providers, local health departments, and community partners.
Ukrainians arriving through the Uniting for Ukraine program must complete the online tuberculosis and vaccine attestation on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website within 90 days of arrival in the United States.
To schedule an appointment for required vaccinations or tuberculosis screening, visit the Refugee Health Assessment Program County Clinics page to check if your county has a Refugee Health clinic.
If your county does not have a Refugee Health clinic, these resources may assist with free or low-cost immunizations:
- Some local health departments offer free or low-cost vaccines or may have information about other providers in the community.
- Vaccines for Children (VFC) and Vaccines for Adults (VFA) providers offer free or low-cost vaccines for eligible children and adults.
- Vaccines for Children Program (CDC)
- Visit My Turn to book your COVID-19 and flu vaccine appointments.
- Local pharmacies also offer immunizations for older children and adults, but the cost is typically higher than the locations mentioned above. Check with the pharmacy about specifics, including cost and availability of immunization for certain ages.
General Information
- Department of Social Services, Rescources for Ukrainian Arrivals
- U4U Medical Screening and Vaccine Attestation flyer | Ukrainian
- COVID-19 Vaccines: What You Should Know flyer for low-literacy audiences Ukrainian | Russian (CDPH)
- Vaccine Information Statements (CDC) | Ukrainian | Russian (
- Vaccinate All 58 | Ukrainian | Russian
- Get the Facts on COVID-19 Campaign | Ukrainian | Russian (University of MN)
- California Immunization Registry Notice to Patients and Parents | Ukrainian | Russian
- Information on Changes to Medi-Cal and other Programs Following the End of California’s COVID-19 State of Emergency (CalHHS)
Parent Resources
- Parents’ Guide to Immunizations Required for School Entry | Ukrainian | Russian
- Vaccines for Your Children (CDC)
- Info for Parents: Measles and the Vaccine (Shot) to Prevent It (Ukrainian – CDC)
- Measles More than Just a Little Rash (CDC)
- Vaccine Safety | Ukrainian
- Vaccines for Your Preteen flyer | Ukrainian | Russian
- Protect Your Preteen/Teen with Vaccines flyer | Ukrainian | Russian
- Plain Talk about Childhood Immunization | Ukrainian | Russian (WA State Dept. of Public Health)
Tools for Local Health Departments and Providers
- Assessing Ukrainian Immunization Records
- Vaccination Coverage and Record Translation Guidance for Health Care Providers Serving Ukrainian Newcomers, Center of Excellence in Newcomer Health – Minnesota Department of Health
- Ukrainian National Vaccination Schedule (European Society for Emergency Medicine)
- Quick Chart of Vaccine-Preventable Disease Terms in Multiple Languages (
- Immigrant and Refugee Health – Immunizations (CDC)
- Refugee Health Overseas Guidance (CDC)
- Catch-up Immunization Schedule for Children or Adolescents (CDC)
- Vaccine Recommendations and Guidelines: Persons Vaccinated Outside of the U.S. (CDC)
- Minnesota Center of Excellence in Newcomer Health (MN Dept. of Public Health)
- Resources for Fostering COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence in Ukrainian and Russian Speaking Communities (WithinReach in WA)
- COVID-19 Resources for Ukrainian New Arrivals (University of MN)
- Ask the Experts: Polio Vaccine (
- Vaccine Schedule for Ukraine, World Health Organization (WHO)
- Uniting for Ukraine: Information for Tuberculosis Programs (CDC)
- Uniting for Ukraine Communication Resources (CDC)
Webinars and Trainings
- CDPH Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy Among Ukrainian New Arrivals (10.26.23)
- Washington Department of Health – Connecting with Ukrainian Refugees: Meeting Their Needs with Better Care and Key Services
- Washington Department of Health – Fostering COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence in Russian-and-Ukrainian-Speaking Communities