For the Public
- Personal stories by people affected by Pertussis (ShotbyShot website)
- Whooping Cough: What You Need to Know | Spanish
- Whooping Cough: Vaccinate to Protect (11X17) poster | Spanish | Chinese (CDC)
For Pregnant Women
- Expecting? Protect Yourself and Your Baby Against Flu, RSV, Whooping Cough and COVID-19 flyer | Spanish | (Updates to Chinese version coming soon)
- Immunizations for a Healthy Pregnancy brochure | Spanish | (Updates to Chinese version coming soon)
- Other pregnancy materials
For Providers
- Prenatal Tdap Immunization Toolkit
- Prenatal Care Providers: Implement Prenatal Tdap Program to Prevent Infant Pertussis in California
- Immunization Priorities
- Prenatal Tdap Immunization Resources flyer
- Prenatal Immunization Declination form
- 2015 Maternal and Infant Health Assessment Survey report
- Stop Pertussis: Protect Infants, Adolescents and Adults!
- Immunization Screening Form | Customizable Word Version
- Tetanus Prophylaxis
- Vial Mixup Chart: Tdap or DTaP | High Resolution Version
- Videos of Babies Coughing with Pertussis
- Billing and Reporting Job Aids
- Cocooning and Tdap Vaccination
- Provide the best prenatal care to prevent pertussis (CDC)
- Making a strong vaccine referral to pregnant women (CDC)
- Providers pregnant women letter
For Childcare and Schools
- Stanislaus’s Pertussis Toolkit for Schools and Child Care Centers
- Protect Against Measles, Whooping Cough, and Flu poster | Spanish
- Preteen brochure | Spanish
- Preteen poster | Spanish
- Pertussis Notification Letter for Daycare | Elementary | Middle & High | Colleges | Spanish
Media and Web
- Whooping Cough Radio PSA in Partnership with Text4Baby | Spanish
- Flu and Tdap Social Media Messages
- CDPH Pertussis Radio PSA | Spanish
- Spanish TV PSA featuring a mother who lost her son to pertussis
- Protect Babies from Whooping Cough Infographic
- Matte Article to Promote Tdap During Pregnancy
- Template Press Release to Highlight Importance of Tdap During Pregnancy