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Mon-Thurs, 9AM–4:30PM
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Storage Units

Vaccine Storage Units

Providers participating in any of California’s vaccination programs agree to store vaccines in refrigerators and freezers that meet California VFC Program requirements.

Adherence to storage and handing requirements is certified as part of annual provider recertification and during both routine and unannounced site visits conducted by CDPH Field Representatives.

The California VFC Program does not endorse or recommend specific products. Providers may purchase any vaccine storage units that meet California VFC Program requirements outlined below.

If you are unclear about vaccine storage unit requirements, contact your Field Representative prior to making a purchase.


Show Types and Grades

Show Refrigerator Specifications

Show Acceptable Vaccine Refrigerators

Show Freezer Specifications

Show Acceptable Vaccine Freezers

Show Unacceptable Vaccine Storage Units

Show Purchasing and Placement Considerations

Show Configuring Units for Vaccine Storage


Additional Resources