Letter from the California Conference of Local Health Officers to Local Health Dept. Staff
- Prenatal Tdap Immunizations and Prenatal Care Providers (12-11-17) with accompanying Template Letter for Prenatal Care Providers with Pregnant Patients that did not Receive Prenatal Tdap and Infants Developed Pertussis (Updated 8-7-24)
Provider Educational Materials
- December 2024 Presentation: Immunizing for Two+: Enhancing Maternal Protection and Vaccine Uptake Recording and Slides
- DHCS Learning Collaborative February 2019 Presentation: Protecting Infants from Pertussis: Strategies to Increase Maternal Immunization & Reduce the Gaps in Health Systems.
- Improving Prenatal Immunization Rates (Aliados Health)
- Provide the Best Prenatal Care to Prevent Pertussis (CDC)
- Making a Strong Vaccine Referral to Pregnant Women (CDC)
- Talking to Pregnant Women about Vaccines (CDC)
- Immunization Priorities to Prevent Infant Pertussis
Provider Immunization Tools
- Prenatal Immunization Declination Form
Use this form to document patient declinations. Please note: DHCS contracts require that Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans document patient refusal of the immunization in the form of a signed statement. (See Q17 in the Medi-Cal Coverage of Immunizations to learn more.) - Gestational Wheel Order Form
Use this form to order FREE gestational wheels, which include timing for Tdap and flu immunizations - VIS Tdap Vaccine – English and Spanish (CDC)
ACOG’s Immunization Tools
- Immunization Coding - NEW!
- Commitee Opinion 741: Maternal Immunization (Reaffirmed 2021)
- Commitee Opinion 718: Update on Immunization and Pregnancy: Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis Vaccination (Reaffirmed 2022)
- Provider FAQs (Updated 2017)
- Patient Frequently Asked Questions (April 2022)
- Managing Costs
- Increasing Maternal Immunization Rates
- Integrating Immunizations into Routine Ob-Gyn Care
Patient Education Materials
Materials from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH):
- Perinatal Communicable Disease postcard style material
- Expecting? Protect Yourself and Your Baby Against COVID-19, RSV, Flu, and Whooping Cough flyer (also in Spanish)
- Immunizations for a Healthy Pregnancy brochure (also in Spanish)
- Need A Ride? flyer
Use this to promote Medi-Cal’s transportation benefit - COVID-19 resources for pregnant people
Materials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
- You can start protecting your baby from whooping cough before birth flyer – English and Spanish
- Protect Your Baby from the Start – English and Spanish
- Pregnant? Help Protect Your Baby from Whooping Cough video
- Tdap vaccination for Pregnant Women - English and Spanish
- From Me, To You prenatal vaccination campaign - English and Spanish
Campaigns, Toolkits, and Infographics
- Infographic on prenatal vaccines and antibody transfer to infant - UPDATED!
- Infographic showing benefits of prenatal Tdap and flu immunizations (CIC)
- Infographic showing benefits of prenatal COVID-19 vaccine
- Infographic promoting use of DVR when verifying prenatal RSV vaccination status
- Tdap and Flu infographics from ACOG
- Toolkit for Prenatal Care Providers (CDC)
Local Health Department Tools
- Stanislaus’s OB Provider Toolkit
- Stanislaus’s Pertussis Toolkit for Schools and Child Care Centers
- Alameda’s Best Practices for Raising Tdap Vaccination Rates among Pregnant Women
- Los Angeles’s CPSP Quality Assurance Tool
Data and Reports
- CDPH Pertussis Reports (Look under Surveillance Reports)
- 2021 Maternal and Infant Health Assessment Survey: Prenatal Vaccinations in California
- New S, Winter K, Boyte R, et al. Barriers to Receipt of Prenatal Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid, and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Among Mothers of Infants Aged <4 Months with Pertussis — California, 2016. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018;67:1068–1071.
Letters from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to Physicians
- Clinician Health Advisory – Immunize Pregnant Women to Prevent Infant Pertussis in California (4-18-19)
- Implement Prenatal Tdap Program to Prevent Infant Pertussis in California (12-30-16)
- To Physicians about Infant Pertussis: Prevention, Evaluation and Treatment (8-3-16)
Pharmacists’ Tools and Information
- Shelf Talker featuring pregnant woman in English and Spanish (unbranded)
- Pharmacy-Administered Vaccines in California FAQs