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VFC Pharmacy Pilot

Thank you for your interest in the VFC Pharmacy Pilot.

The VFC Program is exploring how pharmacy enrollment could assist with expansion of the VFC network in geographic areas with a scarcity of VFC providers. Leveraging the pharmacy’s expertise in vaccinations could allow VFC to quickly reach vulnerable Medi-Cal/VFC-eligible children outside the existing provider network. This pilot will provide valuable data to identify the needs and support services that would be required to ensure successful participation in the VFC Program. Enrollment will not be widely available to all pharmacies in California, but on a limited basis to select pharmacies. Please continue reading below for additional details on our pilot. 

Pharmacy Benefits

  • No-cost vaccine.
  • Pharmacies would be entitled to the Professional Consultation fee.
    • Pharmacists who initiate the vaccine are providing Professional Pharmacist Services. They may bill for the evaluation and management portion of the visit (evaluation or assessment of the patient to determine the appropriateness of the vaccine and includes history, examination, and medical decision-making). 
  • Pharmacists would be entitled to the Professional Administration fee.
  • Pharmacies serve as an important community-based access point for vaccinations and have the potential to better serve children by participating in the California VFC Program.

Selection Criteria 

During this limited-time pilot, we are not open to all pharmacies in California for enrollment in the VFC Program. Only pharmacies selected based on the following criteria will be allowed to enroll. The VFC Program is recruiting pharmacies with successful vaccine administration rates that are located in zip codes that rank in the two lowest quartiles of the Healthy Places Index. Additionally, pharmacies based in areas of high VFC-eligible populations will increase access to VFC vaccines. 

Pilot Duration 

The pilot will be evaluated annually. Accounts may be terminated at the end of the pilot. Enrollment is conditional upon compliance with pilot participation requirements.

Requirements for Pilot Participation 

1. VFC Program Requirements  

  1. See a summary in the Program Participation Requirements at a Glance for Pharmacies. Full requirements can be viewed in the VFC Provider Agreement and California’s Provider Agreement Addendum.

2. Vaccine Administration

  1. Administer flu vaccine to all VFC-eligible children ages 3-18 years, or younger if the pharmacist is immunizing pursuant to a protocol with a prescriber.
  2. Consider administering all age-appropriate ACIP-recommended vaccines to all VFC-eligible recipients.
  3. Vaccinate all “walk-in” VFC-eligible children. (“Walk-in” refers to any VFC-eligible child who presents requesting a vaccine.)
  4. Must not refuse to vaccinate VFC-eligible children based on a parent’s inability to pay the administration fee.

3. Storage and Handling 

  1. A standalone refrigerator is required (exception granted for purpose-built or pharmaceutical-grade units approved by the VFC Program).
  2. A standalone freezer is required if storing VFC-supplied frozen vaccines (exception granted for purpose-built or pharmaceutical-grade units approved by the VFC Program).
  3. One digital data logger per storage unit is required plus an additional backup device.
  4. Monitor and record storage unit temperatures on VFC temperature logs twice daily.
  5. Must not transfer VFC vaccines to non-VFC providers.

4. Participation in California Immunization Registry (CAIR)

  1. VFC eligibility screening and documentation must be conducted and recorded in CAIR for each immunization visit.
  2. Doses administered must be documented in CAIR (see Pharmacies and CAIR).

5. Vaccine Ordering

  1. Order flu vaccines within 30 days of enrollment approval, then weekly or as needed.
  2. Other VFC vaccines can be ordered quarterly.

6. Data Collection

  1. Participating pharmacies agree to respond to surveys, attend webinars, and/or complete other similar quarterly activities designed to identify barriers, successes, and benefits pharmacies may derive from program participation. 
  2. Site visits – an initial enrollment site visit is required to ensure all pharmacies meet all requirements and the opportunity to interface directly with a VFC representative on any questions or support needed. Additional compliance visits, unannounced storage and handling visits, educational visits, etc. may be scheduled as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How to Enroll 

Please visit the VFC Enrollment page and follow the steps to enroll your pharmacy in the VFC Program today!


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